Pete's Walks- Bledlow Ridge and Lacey Green (page 3 of 5)

Through a kissing-gate in the corner the path continued across another large pasture, then went half-right across an empty paddock. Over a stile I turned left, following a broad track between the wooden fences of a number of paddocks, with Widmer Farm visible over to my left. At the end of the track, the path went slightly right as it crossed a very large field with some more horses in it. The path then went further right to cross a stubble field and reach a tree-lined bridleway, on the line of an ancient earthwork called Grim's Ditch. Here I turned left, and followed the muddy bridleway downhill a short distance to reach Lilly Bottom Lane.

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The path after the pasture cum paddock

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More paddocks east of Widmer Farm

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The large field with horses in it

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The path continuing to meet Grim's Ditch

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Grim's Ditch, approaching Lily Bottom Lane

I went a few yards left, then turned right along a drive. Beyond a cottage I turned right again into Monkton Wood, leaving the Chiltern Way which continued ahead towards Redland End. My path now stayed close to the edge of the wood on my right for about three-quarters of a mile. There was a lot of holly initially and the path was very muddy in places, but I still enjoyed passing through this large beech wood. At a path crossroads I turned right onto a bridleway, running between hedges. I crossed Lily Bottom Lane, the bridleway now running between wire fences with green fields either side. It then dropped downhill through a wood to reach an unsurfaced public byway called Kiln Lane in a valley called Highwood Bottom.

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Monkton Wood

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Monkton Wood

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Monkton Wood

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The bridleway going west from Monkton Wood

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The bridleway going west from Monkton Wood

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The bridleway going west from Monkton Wood

I turned right and followed the byway along the valley bottom for about half a mile - it became surfaced after passing a couple of properties. I then turned left, back on another section of the bridleway along the course of Grim's Ditch that I'd been on earlier. This led uphill between hedges to a path junction, where I turned right for a few yards to rejoin Kiln Lane. Here I turned left, and followed the lane past a pond to a road junction in another part of Lacey Green.

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Kiln Lane, in Highwood Bottom

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Kiln Lane

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The bridleway from Kiln Lane to Lacey Green, part of Grim's Ditch again

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Pond in Lacey Green

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Street in Lacey Green