Pete's Walks - Cholesbury and The Lee (page 3 of 6)

If you are considering walking this route yourself, please see my disclaimer. You may also like to see these notes about the maps and GPX files.

Google map of the walk

Eventually the path ended at a crossing bridleway, where I turned right, the bridleway following a valley bottom and keeping just inside Bellows Wood, which sloped up to my left. On the far side of the wood I went straight on along a footpath between a fence on my left and an overhanging hedge to my right, passing a couple of buttercup-filled meadows. The path then turned left past the end of the second meadow, to reach a drive where I turned right through the hamlet of Ballinger Bottom (I think that's the place name here, it might just be the name of the valley).

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The bridleway after I turned right, along the bottom edge of Bellows Wood

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Bellows Wood

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The path from Bellows Wood to Ballinger Bottom

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The path from Bellows Wood to Ballinger Bottom

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Ballinger Bottom

Across a minor road, a footpath continued along a track through a wood. After a few hundred yards the footpath went through a gate and ran beside the wood in part of some park land (large trees dotted about in the grass) stretching away to my right. After maybe a hundred yards or so, another gate led back into the wood, the path continuing a little further through it to reach a track or drive on the other side. Here I turned right and followed the track into the centre of The Lee.

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The start of the path heading west from Ballinger Bottom, across the minor road

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The path heading west from Ballinger Bottom

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The path heading west from Ballinger Bottom

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The path where it passes briefly along the edge of some park land

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The path continuing towards The Lee

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The track leading into The Lee

I crossed over a road and continued past the Cock and Rabbit pub, with the village green on my right. At the end of the green I continued more or less straight on for a short distance, then went through a gate on the left into the churchyard, following a path to the left of the nineteenth- century 'new' church and then on to the 'old' church it replaced, just behind it.

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Cottages in The Lee

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The Cock and Rabbit pub, The Lee

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The new church, The Lee

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The old church, The Lee