Pete's Walks - Cobblershill and Little Kingshill (page 3 of 4)

On the southern edge of Peterley Wood I crossed a minor road and took a path heading into Crook's Wood. After a short distance, I came to a path junction where I turned left. Within a few yards I left the wood, and turned right along the edge of a small market garden. There were initially some Christmas trees growing on my left, further on after the path turned left (by a pond)  there were raspberries and strawberries amongst other produce. Beyond this market garden I turned right along Peterley Avenue, a dead straight track between hedges. After maybe two or three hundred yards, a path went left through bushes and then crossed a huge field diagonally. I was rather disappointed here - once when I crossed this field it was full of thousands of beautiful Field Pansies (I'd seen one earlier on this walk) but there wasn't one here today, just masses of red clover and white clover (Update 17/1/17: when I did this walk in May 2016, the path followed a fence on the left, beyond which were several small paddocks of Alpacas). At the far corner of the field the path led on between a hedgerow and a fence, to a gate and a short drive leading to a road in Little Kingshill.

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The path round the market garden

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Peterley Avenue

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The path across the huge field of clover, between Peterley Avenue and Little Kingshill

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The path across the huge field of clover, between Peterley Avenue and Little Kingshill

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Approaching Little Kingshill

I followed the road left, and stopped at a bench by a small playing field to eat my lunch. I then took a path along the left edge of the playing field, which soon brought me to another road. I crossed over and walked directly across in front of a pub to pick up a path that was soon heading back out into the countryside again. There was a tall hedge on my right, with meadows beyond the fence on my left. Further on I passed through Sandwich Wood, mainly young trees and bushes. The path then went half-left through an arable field towards the corner of another wood, before turning left to reach Nairdwood Farm and Nags Head Lane.

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The path from the pub in Little Kingshill to Sandwich Wood

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The path from the pub in Little Kingshill to Sandwich Wood

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The path from the pub in Little Kingshill to Sandwich Wood

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The path from Sandwich Wood to Nairdwood Farm

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Approaching Nairdwood Farm

I turned right along Nags Head Lane, but after a short distance I took a lane or drive on the left. After a few hundred yards a bridleway forked left by a gate, heading slightly downhill into a wood. At the bottom of a valley, the bridleway turned sharply right by a fence, but I went through a gate and followed a path going northwest through Atkins Wood. As usual white arrows on trees marked the way, but I may have gone slightly wrong here. Anyway I managed to find the northwest corner of the wood, where a path continued alongside a hedge on the right. After a while the path went right, through a gate, and continued past an orchard to reach the drive to Andlows Farm, which I followed left to reach Prestwood (for the third and final time today).

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Nags Head Lane

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The drive north from Nags Head Lane

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The bridleway to Atkins Wood

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The path through Atkins Wood

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The path through Atkins Wood

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The path from Atkins Wood to Andlows Farm

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The drive from Andlows Farm