Pete's Walks- North from Hambleden (page 3 of 4)

The path now went half-right across a meadow, with views ahead towards Cobstone Mill above Turville. Across the meadow, the path continued through another small section of Poynatts Wood to reach Dolesden Lane, where I turned left. I soon spotted some more Wood Anemones here. When the lane turned right, I took a bridleway that went along a broad track starting on the left. I was now back in the woods again, the bridleway following a valley bottom for about a mile and a quarter through Poynatts Wood, Great Wood, Kimble Wood and Gossetts Wood.

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The meadow between the two parts of Poynatts Wood (I think), looking towards Turville with Cobstone Mill above it

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The path through the next smaller bit of wood, possibly still Poynatts Wood

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Dolesden Lane (I turned left where the lane goes right)

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Near the start of the bridleway through the woods

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The bridleway through the woods

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The bridleway through the woods

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The bridleway through the woods

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The bridleway through the woods, probably Gussetts Wood now

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Approaching the path junction at the end of the woods where I turned left

Eventually, just as the bridleway reached a gateway at the end of Gussetts Wood, I turned left on a crossing footpath. The path rose a short distance through the wood. I stopped to eat my lunch by a stile on the edge of a wood, then crossed an empty pasture to another stile on the other side. Across this I came to a road junction, where I continued straight on down a lane. After about a third of a mile I reached Upper Woodend Farm, where I turned left and took a bridleway that started along  a surfaced farm drive, before bearing right between hedges or fences.

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The path through Gussetts Wood

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Approaching the meadow beyond Gussetts Wood

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The lane heading to Upper Woodend Farm

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The bridleway from Upper Woodend Farm

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The bridleway from Upper Woodend Farm

After some distance the bridleway reached another large wood, and continued on through it. Soon it descended to reach the bottom of a valley. Here the bridleway turned right to follow a surfaced drive, but I took a footpath that went straight on, following a good track up the opposite side of the valley. Again I had walked this path only once before in the opposite direction (see the Hambleden, Stonor, Henley walk I did in August 2011).

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The bridleway continuing into more woods (Highfield Plantation or another Great Wood)

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The bridleway continuing in Highfield Plantation or another Great Wood

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The bridleway continuing in Highfield Plantation or another Great Wood