Pete's Walks- Coombe Hill and Kingsash (page 2 of 4)

On emerging from the wood I followed a path going right beside fields and pastures. I then went through an open gateway on the right, continuing a few yards to reach Russell Farm. Here I turned right and then left, now joining a path between tall hedges. At the end of this path I turned left, and soon reached Cobblershill Lane. I turned right along the lane, and after a quarter of a mile reached the car park (on the left) where I'd intended to start this walk. I took the path leading out of the far side of the car park (the OS map shows a single bridleway leaving the car park and then the path forking left - in fact the bridleway leaves the right of the car park, the path starts at the back of the car park). The path went a short distance uphill, before I forked left along a path through the woods with fields fairly close by to my left. At the end of this path I turned left, joining a section of the Chiltern Way, which ran between hedges and crossed a railway line before entering the park land around Mayortorne Manor. The path led on through paddocks to reach the A413, where I went a few yards left and went down Bowood Lane on the other side.

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The path from Sermon's Wood to Russell Farm

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Cobblershill Lane

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The path through Cockshoots Wood

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The Chiltern Way heading to Mayortorne Manor

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The path through the parkland at Mayortorne Manor

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Bowood Lane, Wendover Dean

At the end of Bowood Lane, I turned left along another lane which soon turned right. At the next right turn I took a footpath going left, along a hedge-lined track - I saw a Speckled Wood butterfly and a Red Admiral along here. At the next path junction, I turned right and followed a hedgerow on my left through a large L-shaped field, keeping alongside the hedge when it turned left. The path then climbed steadily uphill through a field of stubble to reach the hamlet of Kingsash (the farm here is called King's Ash Farm, so I think that is how the hamlet's name is pronounced).

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Near the start of the path from Wendover Dean

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The start of the path to Kingsash, after I turned right

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The path to Kingsash

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The path to Kingsash

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Looking back, from along the path to Kingsash

I turned left to immediately reach a road junction, where I turned right and followed the road through the hamlet and out the other side. When the road turned right, I took a bridleway going straight on, soon with Great Widmoor Wood on my left. I stopped for lunch at a path crossroads (it was now about 1pm), before continuing straight on. The bridleway was soon running along the left edge of another field of stubble. When I reached a crossing path I turned left, and walked across another stubble field to reach a narrow section of Baldwin's Wood.

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The road leaving Kingsash 

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The bridleway going northeast from Kingsash, past Great Widmoor Wood

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The bridleway going northeast from Kingsash

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The bridleway going northeast from Kingsash, Lordling Wood to the right

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The path heading north to Baldwin's Wood