Pete's Walks- West Wycombe, Green End, Bradenham, Downley (page 3 of 4)

I continued straight on, still on a path that was new to me. After a while, the path started to descend. When it left Hearnton Wood, there was a fine view ahead and to my left, over the valley containing the village of Bradenham where I was heading to. There were lots of Cowslips in the field on my left (it seems to have been a very good year for them, both here in the Chilterns and near Huntingdon where I work), and as I was admiring the view a Heron flew by. The path continued downhill to reach Averingdown Farm, from where I followed the drive under a railway bridge and down to a main road (the A4010). I crossed over, and went left for a hundred yards or so, before forking right along a lane (blocked to traffic at this end by the road). The lane took me on to the village of Bradenham.

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Hearnton Wood - this is just after the path crossroads

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The path through Hearnton Wood starting to descend towards Averingdown Farm

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View left just after leaving Hearnton Wood - the bird on the right is a heron!

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The drive from Averingdown Farm

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The start of the lane into Bradenham

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The start of the lane into Bradenham

I turned right onto a bridleway on a track, with the large green and cricket pitch on my left - ahead of me I could see the village church and the manor house. Beyond a small car park near the manor house, I was back on a path I knew. The bridleway turned slightly right here, and then a little further on turned left. I ignored a track going uphill to my right, but the track I was on soon turned right itself, and part way up a wooded slope the two tracks merged, continuing on to reach part of Naphill Common near Bradenham Hill Farm.

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Cricket pitch, church and manor house at Bradenham - the manor house is owned by the National Trust, but is not open to the public

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Start of the bridleway from Bradenham to Naphill Common

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The bridleway from Bradenham to Naphill Common

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Naphill Common, near Bradenham Hill Farm

I have had problems finding my way through Naphill Common in the past, I don't think the paths on the ground always match those shown on the OS map (well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!). So I tried to keep navigation fairly simple. I continued straight on along the bridleway as it entered the woods of the common, and then kept very slightly right at a bridleway junction (by the second notice board I'd seen). This bridleway used to be a nice grassy 'ride' between the trees, but there had obviously been some forestry work recently and much of it was a muddy and unsightly mess. I went straight on where a footpath went left, almost immediately then passed a pond on my right (sadly, the large old beech tree that used to be here has come down), then after about another two hundred yards I took a footpath forking half-right.

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Naphill Common

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Naphill Common - this bit of bridleway was looking a mess after some forestry work

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Pond and impressive beech tree, Naphill Common

The footpath went up and down a small dip. The path then merged with another one coming in from the left, and after a few yards I then turned left at another junction (if I'd gone straight on here I'd have entered a field). I quickly came to yet another junction, where I took the rightmost path. I was now on a path not shown on the OS map, but it is very clear and runs close to some fields on my right. I now tried to keep close to these fields - as long as they were nearby on my right, I would be heading in the correct direction. At some point I turned right when I reached a path junction, and now followed a bridleway through the woods southwards towards Downley Common, still with the fields not far away on my right.

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The footpath I took on Naphill Common

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The bridleway going south on Naphill Common

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The bridleway going south on Naphill Common