If you are considering walking this route yourself, please see my disclaimer. You may also like to see these notes about the maps and GPX files.
A cross the lane I went over a stile, the footpath then turning right and following the edge of a field. It turned left in the field corner, going uphill alongside Bray's Wood on my right. After a while the path went over a stile and continued through the wood for about a quarter of a mile to reach a minor road, where I went right.
The path on the other side of Arrewig Lane
The path after turning left in the field corner
The path continuing through Bray's Wood
The path continuing through Bray's Wood
The path continuing through Bray's Wood, just before it reaches the road
The minor road south of Bray's Wood, after I turned right
When I turned left at a junction of minor roads, I was back on my original route. After about a quarter of a mile I took a footpath on the left that ran along the left edge of a part of an empty (and very dry) cattle pasture, then continued across another pasture to reach Lownde's Wood. The path then continued through a series of woods for about a mile, gradually curving right (from east to south). For the last few hundred yards there was a field just yards to my right (here I was on a bridleway rather than a footpath, according to the OS map).
The minor road after I turned left (having finished the section I'd only walked once before)
The path after I turned left from the minor road
The path continuing towards Lownde's Wood
The path in Lownde's Wood
The path continuing through the woods
The path continuing through the woods
The path continuing through the woods
The bridleway continuing through the woods
The bridleway continuing through the woods, now with a field on the right
The bridleway continuing through the woods