Pete's Walks - Gaddesden Row and Piccotts End (page 4 of 6)

If you are considering walking this route yourself, please see my disclaimer. You may also like to see these notes about the maps and GPX files.

Google map of the walk

I crossed over and turned left along a broad grass verge. I soon reached a finger-post indicating where a footpath went right, the path crossing a footbridge over the river Gade and then running between houses to reach the road through Piccotts End. I turned left along this road, following it as far as Dodds Lane where I turned right and immediately took a path running parallel to the lane (just behind a hedge). In a field corner the path went up a few 'steps' and then I had to rejoin the lane as it made its way uphill out of the Gade Valley.

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The road, after I turned left

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The path from the road going right and crossing the river Gade

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The river Gade at Picotts End

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The path after I turned right in Piccotts End, running alongside Dodds Lane

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Dodds Lane

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Dodds Lane

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Dodds Lane - I turned left where the hedgerow ends

Near the top of the hillside, where a hedge ended on my left, I turned left down the drive to Wood Farm. There were nice views along the Gade Valley from here. There was a kink in the drive where it went right and then immediately left again at one point, then a bit further on it turned right again, passing a property on the left. When the drive turned left again, I continued straight on along a 'restricted byway', following a hedgerow on my left. After almost half a mile, as I was nearing Lovetts End Farm, I turned left along a bridleway, now following a hedge on my right. I went straight on where another bridleway went right, then when the bridleway ended where it met a crossing bridleway, I turned right and followed this bridleway for about a third of a mile to reach Cupid Green Lane.

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View from the drive to Wood Farm

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The drive to Wood Farm

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View from the drive to Wood Farm

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The restricted byway to Lovetts End Farm

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The restricted byway to Lovetts End Farm

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The restricted byway to Lovetts End Farm

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Approaching Lovetts End Farm

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The bridleway after I turned left near Lovetts End Farm

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The bridleway after I turned right, heading to Cupid Green Lane (where the crossing hedgerow is)