Pete's Walks - Maidensgrove Common, Nettlebed, Coxlease Farm (page 3 of 4)

If you are considering walking this route yourself, please see my disclaimer. You may also like to see these notes about the maps and GPX files.

Google map of the walk

I turned right along the lane, soon passing Valley Farm (Valley End Farm on the OS map) on my right. Just before reaching a couple of cottages on the left, I took a footpath on that side that was soon following a hedgerow on my right, going fairly gently uphill. I was surprised and delighted to spot a handful of Lesser Celandine growing here, a sure sign that Spring can't be too far away now. After a while the path went over a stile in the hedge and crossed some grass to a farm track, where it turned left and followed the track over the top of this small hill and down the other side. In the valley bottom it merged with a bridleway just before reaching a road. I turned right, following the road in the direction of Middle Assendon.

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The lane through Bix Bottom, after I turned right

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The lane through Bix Bottom

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The path after I turned left from Bix Bottom

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Lesser Celandine - Spring is on its way!

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The path after it goes over a stile in the hedgerow

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Further along the same path, after it joins a farm track

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The road towards Middle Assendon, after I turned right

After a few hundred yards I came to a farm gate on the left where a footpath started, going sharply left and uphill across a ploughed field to reach Paradise Wood. The path continued fairly easily uphill through the wood. When it turned right to reach a stile on the edge of the wood, I had to make a detour round a fallen tree. The path then rose more steeply beside a hedge on my left, levelling out after the hedge turned left. The next mile or so, heading north to Coxlease Farm, was quite delightful - it's one of my favourite paths in the Chilterns (though I usually walk it in the opposite direction). The path followed a farm track between a hedge on my left and a small embankment, with fine views along and across the Stonor valley down to my left. I met a walker coming the other way, the only one I saw today, and when I said what a lovely day it was he agreed and added that he thought it was a lovely section of path too. I heard and saw a Skylark, and there were at least five Red Kites in the sky.

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The path to Paradise Wood

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Paradise Wood

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Paradise Wood

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The path continuing from Paradise Wood

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The path continuing from Paradise Wood

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The path continuing to Coxlease Farm

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The Stonor valley

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The path continuing to Coxlease Farm

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The path continuing to Coxlease Farm

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View across the Stonor valley

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Approaching Coxlease Farm